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Bespoke Pantries

Our ever-busier lives, and our growing passion for cooking and entertaining on a large scale, means it is crucial to have a place to store all the necessary ingredients, spices and kitchenware.

Bespoke pantries and kitchen larders keep everything close at hand whilst ensuring order is maintained. We site our Martin Moore bespoke pantries close to the prep and cooking zones in order to reduce traffic across the kitchen. Walk-in pantries and larger kitchen larders can feature a glass door with open shelving, a marble "cool" shelf to store eggs and cheese along with willow baskets to keep vegetables fresh. The concept can be scaled down easily in a smaller kitchen.

Take a look at some of our beautifully handcrafted, bespoke pantries and larders. Each one created with the client in mind, from custom-made shelving to stylish storage solutions. Every kitchen larder and pantry is crafted with great care from the finest materials.
